Concrete Work

Driveway interlocking pavers

Concrete work is a messy and strenuous task. Don’t try to handle it yourself. The Nicework Network can lay any concrete work that you may need. Whether it is the parking garage of your new office building that needs to be completely redone or you want to have a new patio or new set of stairs installed in your home, our expert concrete workers can provide you with the perfect finish and look to exactly match your
current property.

Our Concrete Work: 

  • Interlocking Pavers for Driveways  & Floors
  • Interlocking Pavers for Patios, Walks & Steps

Contact Information 

The Nicework Network
9 West Island Beach Road
Lebanon, CT 06249

Call Us
1-800-Nice-Work /



We’ll Repair Your
Damaged Property

If you’ve sustained damages due to forces of nature, take advantage of our recovery services.